Cameron Dallas govori o problemima sa aknama

Verovali ili ne, čak je i Cameron Dallas imao problema sa kožom, a upravo o tome je govorio u intervjuu za magazin j-14.

– Mučio sam se sa aknama tokom tinejdžerskih dana. Čini mi se da mi je bilo 14 godina kada su intenzivno počele da se pojavljuju na mom licu. Bilo me je neverovatno sramota i osećao sam se kao pravi čudak. Što je najgore, niko od mojih prijatelja nije imao sličnih problema. Išao sam kod raznih lekara i isprobao tonu krema i tretmana. Ponekad sam čak kradom nanosio i sestrine beauty proizvode, samo kako bih video da li će mi možda oni pomoći.

Pošto nije imao sreće, Cameronovo samopouzdanje je drastično opadalo, toliko da je u jednom momentu počeo da razmišlja samo o svojim nedostacima.

Iz tog razloga, priznao je da je svakodnevno koristio Photoshop kako bi prikrio svoje bubuljice na Instagramu.

– Prva stvar koju sam naučio kada sam se priključio društvenim mrežama bila je korišćenje Photoshopa. Koristio sam ga sve vreme, zato što sam bio previše opterećen problemima na svom licu. Mrzeo sam kako izgledam i još gore mi je bilo kada bi mi fanovi rekli da na slikama izgledam bolje nego uživo. Sećam se da sam se krio od ljudi jer nisam želeo da se na internetu pojave moje neobrađene slike.

A onda, jednog dana, fan mu je preporučio neisprobani preparat po imenu X Out i Cameronu se život promenio.

***READ IF YOU HAVE ACNE @XOut*** #CAM4XOUT Hi 😊, today is big for me because I get to share with everyone my story about acne. I was a late bloomer in high school, and I never had any acne. People all the time used to touch my face and ask how my skin was so clear. It wasn’t until out of high school when I started getting really bad acne. For me this cause a lot of depression and anxiety to go out in public. Even worse, fans would see me in person at the time & I used to have to convince people that I was who I was, I used to get made fun of by people that would see me in public, I used to hide from people that would see me and ask for a picture. For me, it sucked because I already had fans at this point, but I felt like I hated myself because I didn’t look like I used to anymore, I didn’t have that smooth skin, instead of people asking me why my skin was so clear, people would ask “what happened to your face” & say “why don’t you have acne in photos” which completely destroyed me on the inside & my self confidence. It got to a point where I literally had to use photoshop to Edit Out the acne myself like above 👆🏽, LITERALLY. But then a fan gave me Proactive at Magcon, and I started using it, that’s when my acne started going away… and it worked…. but the only thing is, is that it was wayyy to many steps. I would always forget to use them or I wouldn’t want to spend 5 minutes washing my face in the morning, so when I stopped using it my acne came back… Starting to try a bunch of different products I started to break out even more so and couldn’t fix it. UNTIL, someone showed me X-Out, it was by the same company that did proactive but it was only one step, WHICH I LOVED. And I started using it. Within a month people started asking how my skin was clearing up and I started noticing that all the big red spots form old pimples were fading, acne stopped popping up as much, and I didn’t have to worry about big white bubbles sitting on my face all day. Before I knew it, I had clear skin! Today is super exciting because I get to share with everyone on a big scale my story and my battle with acne, DONT let it stop you, DONT let it keep you from being YOU #ad

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– Nisam mogao da poverujem da mi se lice konačno oporavlja. Na kraju sam shvatio da mnogi imaju sličnih problema sa kožom. Važno je da se prisetite da niste sami i da nemate zbog čega da se stidite. Voleo bih da sam bio iskreniji sa fanovima.


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