Camila Cabello se vratila na društvene mreže nakon pauze

Camila Cabello odlučila je da napravi pauzu od društvenih mreža i sada, konačno, odlučila je da im se vrati.

Na Instagramu je poručila: “Uglavnom pravim pauze od društvenih mreža jer mi je potrebno vreme i prostor da se odmorim od njih. Mislim da je zdravo znati kada ti treba vreme za sebe: to je najveća stvar na kojoj radim ove godine- da slušam svoju instuiciju, um i telo!”, napisala je i dodala da joj fanovi nedostaju i najavila je novi spot.


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hello!!!! usually when I take these breaks from social media, it’s cause I need some space or time away from it – I think it’s healthy to know when you need time for yourself- that’s been my biggest thing I’ve worked on this year so far is to listen to my intuition and what my mind and body need!!!! When I feel overwhelmed or overstimulated I’m like…. ok I need to give myself a little room to slow down. but I miss and love you guys!!!! I’m in London right now working on Cinderella and I’m having the time of my life TBH 🥺 here’s a picture behind the scenes of a music video that’s coming out very very soon… how are you guys doing?! How’s life!! How are your hearts! I’ll read some of the comments and reply 💕💕💕💕💕💕

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