Dwayne The Rock Johnson iznenadio tinejdžerku koja ga je pozvala na maturu

Dwayne The Rock Johnson priredio je jednoj tinejdžeriki koja ga je pozvala na mautru iznenađenje koje će pamtiti ceo život.

Katie Kelzenberg iz Minnesote je na Twitter postavila snimaka u kome pita The Rocka hoće li s njom na mature, nekoliko dana kasnije dobila je i odgovor i to dok je bila u školi, preko razglasa.

-Sigurno se pitate što The Rock radi na razglasu? Pa, šaljem poruku vrlo posebnoj mladoj dami, a njezino ime je gospođica Katie Kelzenberg – začulo se, a tinejdžerka nije mogla da poveruje šta se dešava.

The Rock joj je potom objasnio kako ne može doći na matursku zabavu jer će biti na Havajima gde snima svoj novi film, “Jungle Cruise”, to ga nije sprečilo da joj pripremi iznenađenje života. Naime, glumac je iznajmio lokalni bioskop kako bi Katie i njenih 232 najbližih prijatelja i porodica mogli da uživaju u posebnoj projekciji filma “Rampage”.

SURPRISE KATIE KELZENBERG! About a week ago, I come across a video on my Twitter feed, from a student at Stillwater Area High School (oldest high school in Minnesota) asking me if I would be her date to her prom. Unfortunately, I’ll be shooting during that time in Hawaii, BUT I was so impressed by this young lady’s charm and confidence to even ask me (ladies always get shy in front of me) that I had to do something special. I decided to rent out an entire theater (capacity 232 seats) in her town so Katie and her closest 232 friends and family can enjoy a special screening of RAMPAGE. And all the free popcorn, candy and soda high school kids can consume! You’re money’s no good Katie… everything is on Uncle DJ. 🤙🏾🍿 🍭🥤!! And I also taped a special morning message surprising Katie and her high school that will play across the school’s intercom system… literally…RIGHT NOW, Katie should be turning red hearing me surprise her in front of her entire school. I wish I was there in person Katie, to see your reaction to all this, but I’ll hear about for sure and most importantly – you and all your friends have fun at the theater and ENJOY RAMPAGE! Thanks for being an AWESOME FAN and I’m a lucky dude to have fans like you. Uncle DJ 🤟🏾❤ Ps – the gorilla in Rampage is way smarter (and better looking) than I am, but don’t tell him that because he has a HUGE ego 🦍

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– Nisam mogla da verujem šta mi se dešava. Toliko sam bila uzbuđena- rekla je Katie za Pioneer Press.

– Samo razmišljam o tome kako me vidio i kako zna ko sam. Sviđa mi se to što komunicira s fanovima toliko dobro. Utroši vreme iz svog dana da se poveže s njima – dodala je.

Koga bi ti pozvala da ti bude pratnja na maturi?

Foto: Getty Images


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